

The orthopaedic surgery department is headed by eminent professor who had rendered his services in Thiruvananthapuram Government Medical College, other Private Medical colleges and Corporate Hospitals , deals with the multi-disciplined surgical interventional procedures offering wide range of surgical services extending from all paediatric/geriatric cases and complex fracture treatments, spine and sports medicine, minimal invasive surgeries and arthoscopies with a dedicated service for replacement surgeries and revision arthroplasties etc. at affordable rates We are also on high speed gait for a division of deformity corrections and orthopaedic oncology services. A 24-hours high alert Traumatology service lead by in house emergency intensivist, with a team of surgeons, anaesthesiologist,on-call neurosurgeon, plastic surgeon, maxillofacial surgeon, vascular surgeon and round-the- clock in house orthopaedic surgeon.

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